
You are not alone.

Healthcare workers around the world are struggling with mental health issues, both those due to the COVID-19 pandemic and not. Watch this Ted Talk to learn more, and check out the infographic for some alarming statistics. Remember, you are not alone, and you do not have to weather this storm alone, either. We hope the following resources serve as a reminder that we are in this together, and also help to educate you about mental health issues as a healthcare worker.

infographic of alarming physician mental health statistics
ted talk on how healthcare workers are responding to COVID 19

Though the information discussed in this Ted Talk is directly related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the ideas talked about are applicable to many scenarious encountered by healthcare workers.


Health workers face mental health crisis, CDC says

A new report from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says nearly half of health workers reported feeling burned out in 2022.

NHS staff are suffering from ‘moral injury’, a distress usually associated with war zones

Adequate support now could head off a post-pandemic exodus of health workers who feel broken by their experiences

american mobile logo

Along with the personal risk of acquiring the virus, healthcare professionals may also face stress on the job, leading to compassion fatigue, moral distress and post-traumatic stress disorder. 

the mental health of healthcare workers in covid-19

The Mental Health of Healthcare Workers in COVID-19

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Mental Health America (MHA) has witnessed increasing numbers of anxiety, depression, loneliness, and other mental health concerns. 

a group of caretakers

Many people are caregivers for their sick parents, partners, friends or others, with an unfortunate consequence: They end up suffering. TED speakers share steps that caregivers can take to help maintain their own well-being.

masked person gazing out window

Why cultivating “tragic optimism” will help us weather this crisis — and even grow from it. 

mount sinai on dealing with COVID 19

We can see with our own eyes the staggering impact of COVID-19 on our lives and the lives of those around us. Here’s what you should know about mental health issues likely to arise for you and your co-workers.

reading to reduce burnout from AMA

Dust off your “to read” pile: Reading reduces resident burnout. 

mental health first aid

Doctors encounter many traumatic events daily... but that's just part of the job. It's important to remember that, as a doctor, your mental health is important, too. 

springer link on mental health related stigma

Ultimately, we hope that challenging the culture of silence and stigma around mental health will result in better outcomes for physicians and patients alike.

US national library of medicine

The way that doctors do or don't access health care is important — for them, their families, their colleagues, and ultimately, for their patients.